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White-crowned Robin-chat - Several at the Senegambia Hotel.
White-faced Whistling Duck - Good numbers at Kotu Creek of which some could be seen at Badala Pond and the sewage ponds.
Wire-tailed Swallow - Small number around Kotu Bridge
Wood Sandpiper - A few around the rice fields at Kotu Creek, sewage ponds and Badala Pond
Yellow-throated Leaflove - Incredibly difficult bird to photograph as they stayed high up just under the leaf canopy. They were also very active and as a result I could only manage the above record shot.
Yellow-billed Shrike - Quite a common bird with the best numbers on Fajara Golf Club.
Yellow-crowned Gonolek - A striking bird with an equally striking call. Present in many areas of cover.
Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird - 1 seen at the cycle track.
Black Heron (Umbrella Heron) - Best found at Badala Pond and the cycle track.
Singing Cisticola - Small number around the rice fields at Kotu.
Whistling Cisticola - Not specifically identified as this species. It was id'd as either this or Siffling Cisticola.