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Vinaceous Dove - 1 at cycle track and a few at the Fajara Golf Club
Violet Turaco - 3 seen at Abuko Nature Reserve
Wattled Plover
Wattled Plover - Common around Kotu Creek and Fajara Golf Club
Western Grey Plantain-eater - Small numbers at Fajara Golf Club, Kotu Creek and Bakotu Hotel.
Western Reef Heron - A few at Kotu Creek and Kotu Beach.
Whimbrel - Common around Kotu Creek.
White-billed Buffalo-weaver
White-billed Buffalo-weaver - Groups around the cycle trakc and the sewage ponds.
White-cheeked Bee-eater
White-cheeked Bee-eater - Around 6 on the edge of Bijilo Forest.